Sex and the Kitchen is the personal website of San Francisco chef Andrea Froncillo. Andrea celebrates romance and cooking, encouraging you to slow down and enjoy life’s pleasures - from the foods and flavors that surround you…to the lover you embrace.

Crab Artichoke Martini

This creamy, delicious crab martini is stirred, not shaken, but you won't be disappointed with the results. We started with the classic combination of crab and artichoke hearts, then livened them up with vodka and olive juice for a kick. This little number only takes minutes to prepare, so mix one up tonight!

Ingredients: Print Ingredients

1 6 oz can artichoke hearts, drained
juice of 1/2 lemon
4 oz. crab meat
2 tblsp. vodka
Extra virgin olive oil
2 tblsp. olive juice (from cocktail olives)
4 oz. fontina or white cheddar cheese, grated (3/4 c.)
1 tsp. red chili powder


Blend artichokes with 3 tblsp. olive oil and the lemon juice, mashing the artichokes with a fork until they're soft and chunky. Fold in the crab meat, vodka, olive juice, cheese and chili powder. Mix well. Place the mixture into a saucepan on medium heat with the shredded cheese. Stir slowly.

How To Serve:

Spoon into martini glass and garnish with a breadstick or a toothpick threaded with olives and pearl onions. Scoop onto crackers or crispy toasts. Cheers!

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